Excerpt 2 from Mud Pies and Kites
From 2:02:04 to 2:13:26 of the full length video here. You may see most of Gerry's films at Vimeo.com/GerardThomasStraub
For Personal or Small Group Reflection
Opening Prayer (after watching the video)
God grant me the grace to truly
feel my intrinsic poverty
Straub, Gerard; Montaldo, Jonathan. Reading Thomas Merton and Longing for God in Haiti:
Learning Wisdom in the School of My Life (p. 102). Available on Amazon.
Reflection Questions
View the video above. What did you see? How did you feel?
After the earthquake, Fr. Tom Hagan missed his old chapel, his old bathroom, and photos of his Mother. If you had endured such a situation, what would you miss most?
The carving of the Body of Christ was recovered from the rubble, and Fr. Tom said, "Wow, this is good, you're back". What symbols or images do you prize in your home? What do they mean to you?
Fr. Tom misses his early prayer time when he used to "Have a cup of coffee with the Lord". Fr. Tom wouldn't say much. He would just sit in peace. What is your prayer time like? Would you miss it if you couldn’t pray?
Gerry Straub and Fr. Tom acknowledge the suffering that must take place that is part of turning to God. It is a desert experience that leaves God as the only answer. Are you currently experiencing anything that could make you turn to God and say, "God, I need you?"
Do you sometimes feel you are a one-dimensional person? Or are you more often a three-dimensional person who takes care of yourself, loves others and loves God? Describe a person you know who is usually a three-dimensional person.
Brainstorm local organizations that serve the poor in your area. Is there an opportunity for you to volunteer with friends or family members?
What is your greatest talent? Is there a way you can use that to serve the poor locally?
Discover where can you learn more about the poor and ways of caring for them. You can view for free the full length version of Mud Pies and Kites here as well as other films by Gerard Straub. He also has many books on spirituality and his journey in trying to live according to the life of Saint Francis of Assisi and the writings of Thomas Merton.
In 2015 Gerard Straub put aside documenting the plight of the poor in order to live with the poor. He established Santa Chiara Children's Center (and now also Academy) due to the dangers of sending the children off to nearby schools. If you feel moved to donate to the center, you may donate via Paypal here, or send a donation to Santa Chiara Children's Center, P.O. Box 643308, Vero Beach, FL 32964
Closing Prayer
Tender God:
You are not asking us
to be successful or productive.
You are looking for us
to be present…
present to you,
and present to each other...
present to each other in acts of love and mercy,
especially present to the poor and the suffering.
Help us to do your will, we pray.
Based on a reflection from an upcoming book by Gerard Straub.
To access the two other Video Reflections, click here.